Product Specification Solar PJU Light Poles
Solar Light PJU Poles
is a street lighting system that utilizes solar energy, stored in a battery, which will then be used automatically at night to generate lights. Available in 5 package options based on the amount of lamp power: 10 watts, 20 watts, 30 watts, 40 watts to 50 watts.
Distributor of Solar Cell PJU Lamp Package for individuals or private / public projects. Ready Package PJU lamps (street lighting) solar power 20 watts, 30 watts, 40 watts, 50 watts, 60 watts, 80 watts, 100 watts. The increasing demand for PJU for Projects and Procurement of goods, we offer PJU Public Street Lighting specs with competitive prices and quality.
PT. Mido Jaya Bersama prepares all needs covering all road poles, both street lighting poles (PJU Poles), Electric Poles / PLN installations, CCTV Poles, Signs Poles, Road Direction Poles, Traffic Light Poles, Spotlight Poles and Lightning Protection.
In collaboration with property developers, contractors, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia both cities and regions that need public street lighting, PT Mido Jaya Bersama is ready to produce street lighting poles both large and small.
It must be admitted that there are still many areas where road lighting conditions are still very concerned, therefore PT. Mido Jaya Bersama, which has been a PJU Pole producer since 1968, determined to make a better contribution to the quality of street lighting supported by the central, city and regional government and the developers, let's create a better, safer and more comfortable environment for the public interest.
For the better public interest, we, PT. Mido Jaya Bersama will give a special price.
Price of Solar PJU Light Poles
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