PT. Mido Jaya Bersama prepared all requirements include all street poles, good street lighting poles (Tiang PJU), Utility Pole / PLN installations, CCTV Pole, Signposts, Pole Indicator Directions Street, Traffic Light Pole, Pole Floodlight and Lightning.
Developers working with the property, the contractor, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia both the city and the area that needs to be public street lighting, PT Jaya Bersama Mido ready to produce street lighting poles in both the large and small scale.
It must be recognized that there are still many areas of lighting conditions the road is still very concerned, therefore PT. Mido Jaya Bersama which has been a manufacturer Tiang PJU since 1968 determined to contribute better to the quality of street lighting is supported by the central government, cities and regions as well as the developers, let's create a better environment, safe and convenient for the public interest.
For the sake of public interest better our PT. Mido Jaya Bersama will give you a special price.
Tiang PJU Round 11 meters
Single Ornaments Parabola
Tiang PJU our round finishing Hot Deep Galvanized, each of the above types can be ordered with a length of 6-13 meters.
H6, Poles Ø 4.5 ", Base Plate 30 X 30 cm, Ø 16 mm Armature
H7, Poles Ø 4.5 ", Base Plate 30 X 30 cm, Ø 16 mm Armature
H8, Ø Column 5, "Basic Plat 30 X 30 cm, Ø 19 mm Armature
H9, Ø Column 5, "Basic Plat 30 X 30 cm, Ø 19 mm Armature
H10, Poles Ø 5.5 ", Base Plate 30 X 30 cm, Ø 19 mm Armature
H11, Poles Ø 5.5 ", Base Plate 30 X 30 cm, Ø 19 mm Armature
H12, Ø Column 6, "Basic Plate 40 X 40 cm, Ø 22 mm Armature
H13, Ø Column 6, "Basic Plate 40 X 40 cm, Ø 22 mm Armature